Insights and Reflections: Evaluating the Sibiu International Performing Arts Market (SIPAM) of 2023
Are you hesitating about joining SIPAM 2024? Take a look at some of the feedback from last year's event:
Andy Beecroft - Marketplace Manager for Honey Pot, International Arts Marketplace (AUSTRALIA):
My time and visit to Romania and the Sibiu Performing Arts Market was very special. Having a knowledge of its size and reputation as a festival and a market beforehand I was excited to experience it for myself and was not disappointed. Theatre and street art runs through the veins of this festival and it is very impressive to see it throughout the city from the cobbled streets to the many theatre spaces.
Anuki Kvinikadze - International Relations Manager Sokhumi State Drama Theatre (GEORGIA):
My experience at the Sibiu Performing Arts Market was truly exceptional. It provided a unique platform for artists, cultural managers, and performing arts institutions to come together on a global scale. The market integrated both in-person and online elements, creating a dynamic and inclusive environment for participants. The opportunity to connect with performing arts professionals from around the world was invaluable, and I was able to showcase my artistic projects, exchange ideas, and establish promising collaborations. The Sibiu Performing Arts Market not only offered a diverse range of artistic experiences but also fostered a sense of community among attendees.
Hui Zhu - Programming & Branding Manager Shanghai Jing’an Modern Drama Valley Festival (CHINA)
I was honored to be invited to attend Sibiu Performing Arts Market. It's not only a well organized activity, it's also a great platform to connect with peers who are also involved in the performing arts field. Through SIPAM, we exchanged our opinions and discussed the shared concerns. For me personally, it was also a cherished experience for my future career development.
Teresa Brayshaw - Principal Lecturer, Theatre Maker, Feldenkrais Practitioner, Wellbeing Coach (ENGLAND)
The opening sessions always feel full of potential and the spirit of exchange and dialogue which are essential to the festival are encouraged and celebrated. I enjoy meeting the new festival directors and programmers and artists and organisations that attend each year and look forward to the conversations that ensue. The ‘speed meeting/dating’ session felt particularly meaningful to me this year – and I saw lots of rich exchange and quality connections happening in this space.
*Registrations are now closed