Wedding in Oaș

FITS Performances

„Nuntă în Oaș" („Wedding in Oaș") explores, with humour and candour, what the intergenerational communication is still lacking, the story of the Romanian migrating communities that strive to make a better living back home, the pressure of choosing a path for your future and what gender roles mean in a traditional community.
What is said to be the happiest day in a woman's life, her wedding day, becomes a dreamlike comedy with tragical accents in which the characters laugh and cry, get together and fall apart, learn about themselves and those that came before them, and even die. Highlighting the most grandiose and institutionalised traditional weddings in the unique region of Oaș, north-west Romania, „Nuntă în Oaș" sets out to be a dramatized anthropologic study about the transformations of the rural life and values in the Oaș Region, considered a diligent keeper of unaltered traditions.

Duration of the performance (in minutes): 90
Author: Anca Munteanu
Director: Cristian Ban
Set design: Tudor Prodan
Costumes: Tudor Prodan; Traditional costumes: Cristina Milea
Music: Vlad Giurge
Light design: Lucian Moga
Cast: Roxana Fânață, Andrei Stan, Alina Negrău, Ioana Cheregi, Andrei Gîjulete, Raluca Mara, Vlad Giurge
Maximum number of personnel in tour: 24

COMPANY: Satu Mare Northern Theater, Mihai Raicu Company