The Human Measure
FITS Performances
The Human Measure is Teatro dei Venti's new large-scale show-event, scheduled to debut in 2026.
The show features a 15-metre-high Puppet that, after being brought to the square by the performers in a festive atmosphere, walks the streets. It is perfect, representing the Solution to everything. The Puppet, however, after a confident walk, falls and begins to destroy itself. The performers take the pieces of the Puppet to another square, but instead of performing a funeral rite, they build a city, a place that is activated and is brought to life with the participation of the audience.
The performance aims to investigate the passage from "I" to WE, for the construction of a participatory and communitarian society.
The Human Measure includes a workshop with the inhabitants of the host area, for a participatory experience that will leave a material and non-material legacy to the city.
Duration of the performance (in minutes): 90
Director: Stefano Tè
Set design: Sketches by Dino Serra
Special mentions: Outdoor performance, project work in progress
COMPANY: Teatro dei Venti