Moby Dick

FITS Performances

Ishmael, a sailor, signs up for a voyage on the whaling ship "Pequod" under Captain Ahab. The captain's personal mission is to kill the gigantic White Whale that took his leg during a whale hunt. Throughout the show there will be struggles, sudden storms, and joyful raids; characters will emerge, stories will surface. Through a meticulous work of mechanical engineering the unexpected will happen: the ship becomes the whale. What first welcomed now shakes up: the skeleton of the hull capsizes and turns into the fearsome leviathan. The show has a fixed core group of actors, dancers, acrobats, musicians and technicians. This nucleus of 20 artists can integrate members of the local community or artists suggested by the hosting venue (groups of children, seniors, local musicians, members of various associations, prisoners, asylum seekers, etc.).

Duration of the performance (in minutes): 60
Author: inspired by Herman Melville's novel, literary adaptation for the stage play Giulio Sonno
Translated by: Giulio Sonno
Director: Stefano Tè
Set design: Stage design: Dino Serra; project and construction: Dino Serra and Massimo Zanelli.
Costumes: Teatro dei Venti
Music: Live music:Matteo Pontegavelli (trumpet), Alex Ascione (bass), Igino L. Caselgrandi (drum and percussion) and Domenico Pizzulo (guitar and synth)
Light design: Alessandro Pasqualini
Cast: Alessio Boni, Oxana Casolari, Ettore Chiummo, Marco Cupellari, Giacomo Dominici, Federico Faggioni, Francesca Figini, Davide Filippi, Mara Lambriola, Hannes Langanky, Giovanni Maia, Iona Petmezakis, Amalia Ruocco, Antonio Santangelo, Cesare Trebeschi, Davide Tubertini, Elisa Vignolo.
Maximum number of personnel in tour: 30
Special mentions: Outdoor performance, possibility of workshop with hosting communities

COMPANY: Teatro dei Venti