La vie en rose

FITS Performances

„La vie en rose" is set out to be, above all, a lover's dance. The couple is seen as a singular character encompassing two entities. And that couple dances, even if sometimes it's brought together simply by chance, dynamically bound by the faint sound of some song, of some lost notes they would hear passing by some open window, thus interfering with another intimate moment.
As life has it, the couples form and break up unceasingly.
Lead by the famous musical themes from the mid 20th century French music, „La vie en rose" brings forth all the pink nuances of falling in love but also their opposite, the grey shades that darken a couple's passionate life.
One couple just met. Another says goodbye. The partners quite literally fall in each other's arms, letting themselves get caught up in this maddening dance of coming together and drifting apart, all seeking to love and be loved.

Duration of the performance (in minutes): 75
Director: Gigi Căciuleanu; a more accurate credit would be „a show by Gigi Căciuleanu", thus removing the need to credit Mr. Căciuleanu multiple times; Assistant director: Tudor Dreve.
Set design: Cristian Gătina
Costumes: Anna Szabó
Choreography: Gigi Căciuleanu
Music: Gigi Căciuleanu
Cast: Roxana Fânață, Andrei Gîjulete, Ioana Cheregi, Andrei Stan, Dorina Nemeș, Bianco Erdei, Raluca Mara, Vlad Mureșan, Anette Marka, Sergiu Tăbăcaru
Maximum number of personnel in tour: 27

COMPANY: Satu Mare Northern Theater, Mihai Raicu Company