Don Quixote

FITS Performances

A new performance for Urban Spaces based on Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. The dramaturgy paints the portrait of a man against a world that leaves no room for imagination, a world that annihilates the ideals inherent in human beings. With Teatro dei Venti's characteristic instruments, stilts, pyrotechnics, smoke bombs, acrobatics, highly scenographic costumes and dramaturgical re-adaptation, the audience will be led on parade through the protagonist's mad utopia.

Duration of the performance (in minutes):  75
Author: inspired by Miguel de Cervantes's novel. Dramaturgy: Stefano Tè. Texts: Azzurra d'Agostino
Translated by: Johanna Bishop
Director: Stefano Tè
Set design: Dino Serra, in collaboration with Paolo Romanini, Emanuela Savi, Chiara Pettenati / Sketches of costumes and theatrical machines by F.M., an inmate of the Castelfranco Emilia Prison, within the European project AHOS All Hands on Stage.
Costumes: Maria Scarano - Atelier Polvere di Stelle
Music: recorded music: Andrea Biagioli, live music: Igino L. Caselgrandi, Pietro Colliva, Diego Lancellotti,
Cast: con Alessandro Berardi, Oxana Casolari, Francesca Figini, Davide Filippi, Esther Grigoli, Alice Mascolo, Antonio Santangelo, Christian Sidoti, Cesare Trebeschi, Francesco Valli. Voice-over: Beatrice Pizzardo.
Maximum number of personnel in tour: 18
Special mentions: Outdoor travelling performance

COMPANY: Teatro dei Venti