The Future of Performing Arts in the Age of A.I.: The Road Ahead, Frightening or Exciting?

12:00, 27 Jun 2024


In a rapidly shifting world marked by the life-altering emergence of artificial intelligence (A.I.) global artists aim to keep up, respond, and generate paradigmatic shifts in an individual's creative thinking and their collective experience. The relentless pace of A.I. development calls for a much-needed discussion about its impact across society in general and on the performing arts, in particular.  While the future promises a blend of A.I. and human creativity. A.I.’s role is expanding exponentially;  from choreography, playwriting, and scenic design to areas such as grant applications, project proposals, streamlining processes and offering new avenues for innovation.

With the participation of artists, cultural managers, and A.I. data professionals.

Date and location

27 Jun 2024 12:00


27 Jun 2024 13:00

My Continental - Faust Hall