Speed networking Session

13:00, 26 Jun 2024


Speed networking is an efficient tool for artists, producers, agents, and presenters to connect with each other in a structured environment. Participants are paired up for a series of short, timed meetings, lasting for up to 10 minutes each. At the end of each session, a signal prompts participants to move to their next meeting, ensuring everyone can meet many attendees in a short amount of time. The aim is to exchange information quickly, identify potential collaborations, and schedule follow-up meetings.
Tips for Participants:
1. Prepare Your Pitch: Develop a concise and compelling introduction that includes who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for. 
2. Bring professional and informative promotional materials ready to hand out. 
3. Be Engaging: Make a positive impression.
4. Follow Up: Take notes during the meetings to remember key details. After the event, promptly follow up with the contacts you made, referencing specific points from your conversation to keep the momentum going.

Date and location

26 Jun 2024 13:00


26 Jun 2024 16:00

Hotel MyContinental — Faust Hall

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