14:00, 28 Jun 2023


WuSha’s Han and Tang Dynasties Chinese Classical Dance Workshop
The basic training class of Han and Tang Dynasties Chinese classical dance is based on the most brilliant Han and Tang spirit and artistic temperament in the history of ancient Chinese civilization as the aesthetic backbone, emphasizing the national aesthetic characteristics of the form, cultural connotation and excellent classical spirit, as well as the cultural attributes of professional and technical skills.
The content of this workshop is "Shaping Combination", which takes the dance form from the portrait on the tiles from the Han Dynasty as the backbone of the combination training, and takes the aesthetic characteristics of women in the Han Dynasty as the training purpose. In order to solve the basic form combination of Han and Tang classical dance in this training, in addition to the form, it is important to cooperate with the body, mind, intent and breathing as well. Through the exhalation of breath between forms, stretch the body to mobilize the body and mind and finally enter the state of dance operation. Thus reflecting the “beauty of simplicity and grandeur" of the Han Dynasty.

Xia Weijia’s Han and Tang Dynaties Chinese Classical Dance Workshop
Chinese classical dance is the original discipline of the Beijing Dance Academy. After 70 years of continuous exploration, it has formed a unique style of teaching system, academic thought and creative characteristics. It is a major dance art within Chinese art.
The content of this workshop is "Examining Chinese Classical Dance". The cultural connotation of Chinese classical dance will be briefly summarized from three aspects: aesthetic core, movement method and creative pursuit. Finally, through the form of a combination of short routine, students will be able to experience the “delicate and round, rigid and soft” artistic characteristics of Chinese classical dance.

 The basic training class of the Chinese classical dance from the Han and Tang Dynasties is based on the most brilliant spirit and artistic temperament in the history of ancient Chinese civilization, emphasizing the national aesthetic characteristics of the form, cultural connotation, and excellent classical spirit, as well as the cultural attributes of professional and technical skills.

The content of this workshop is "shaping combination", which takes the dance from the portrait on the tiles from the Han Dynasty as the backbone of the combination training, and takes the aesthetic characteristics of women in the Han Dynasty as the training purpose. In order to master the basic combination of Han and Tang classical dance in this training, it is important to cooperate with the body, mind, intent, and breathing, in addition to the form. 

Through the exhalation of breath between forms, the mobilization of the body and mind makes the dance operation possible. Thus reflecting the “beauty of simplicity and grandeur" of the Han Dynasty.

Chinese classical dance is the original discipline of the Beijing Dance Academy. After seventy years of continuous exploration, the Academy has formed a unique style of teaching system, academic thought and creative characteristics.

The content of this workshop is "examining Chinese classical dance". The cultural connotation of Chinese classical dance will be briefly summarized from three aspects: aesthetic core, movement method, and creative pursuit. Through the form of a combination of short routines, students will be able to experience the “delicate and round, rigid and soft” artistic characteristics of Chinese classical dance.

This event will be held in English.
Access with registration, subject to availability under the following link:

Date and location

28 Jun 2023 14:00


28 Jun 2023 16:00